September 30, 2010

SECC Fall Climate Outlook

Current Conditions: Drought setting in for much of the Southeast.

After a summer that can be characterized as one of the hottest on record, drought has begun to develop over much of the Southeast, with the exception of the Florida peninsula.

The three-month period of May-July ranked as the hottest on record (since 1895) for the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, while Florida ranked as the second hottest.

Rainfall was generally below normal for much of the region, but was characterized by many observers as being more scattered or localized than in previous years.

Large differences in daily, weekly, and monthly rainfall totals were seen not only from county to county (which is somewhat typical for summer rainfall), but also from field to field.

Southeast Alabama and inland areas of the Florida Panhandle are feeling the drought most strongly, as most fields in this area are non-irrigated, leaving row crops and pastures suffering.

The extent of drought conditions is shown in the current U.S. Drought Monitor, where most of the Southeast is depicted as being in drought conditions ranging from abnormally dry to severe.

For more information Click on the link below:
Southeat Climate Consortium

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